Release:February 4, 2010
Release:February 4, 2010
+1 if you become a follower or are a current follower of my blog
+5 if you follow Lauren Barnholdt @laurenbarnholdt on Twitter
+2 if you have a current review of her book or are going to post it this week (please leave link)
I will draw four numbers from a random generator site and the first person who gets picked gets to choose a book, the second winner then gets a choice of the remaining 3, and so on...
This next week, I will be having one post each day dedicated to Lauren Barnholdt. Since IHB is just a week dedicated to Barnholdt love, I was not sure when to have it up, but because of the official release of Devon Delaney Should Totally Know Better, I decided to have it now! Well, it is already in bookstores early and I managed to get it along with many of her other books, but that doesn't really matter!! Enough of my rambling, let's get to the details:
There will be many surprises this week so stay tuned! I am really hoping many people will participate in these contests xD I've racked my tiny brain trying to find ideas for this project. Hopefully, it won't be as dead as I think it will be. I am doing this for fun and don't expect anything but your comments & entries so please comment!!
Available or single? Ehh. Isn't that the same thing? =/ I'm single, but I'm not looking. I'm only 14 here.
Best Friend? I have so many, not including some fabulous bloggers on here.
Cake or Pie? Cake. Chocolate cake.
Drink of choice? Ice tea! :)
Essential item for every day use? I can't see anything without my glasses. My vision is an epic fail.
Favorite color? Blue!
Google? Heck yes. I live on it.
Hometown? Vietnam all the way! :)
Indulgences? Food! :D
January or February? January... ;)
Kids and their names? Ooohh, I'm only 14 so kids are still a long way to go...
Life is incomplete without…? family & friends
Marriage date? Ehh... can I come back to this?
Number of siblings? Two younger sisters.
Oranges or apples? Oranges. I am tired of eating apples.
Phobias and fears? I have lots of fears: heights, dogs, horror films, roller coasters, escalators, school, sports, and bugs.
Quote for the day? "Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Reason to smile? My mom :)
Season? Spring!! :D I'm always more comfortable then.
Tag 3 people? Lauren of The Here, the Now, and the Books, Alex & Lauren of A Flight of Minds, and....April of Good Books & Wine
Unknown fact about me? I just learned last year while watching some anime that my birthday is the same as Buddha's from Japan! :D I don't know...I just thought that was pretty cool.
Vegetable you hate? Onions...and pickles. Pickle lovers, don't hate me! :(
Worst habit? Stressing out too much and being a pessimist.
X-rays you’ve had? My humerous bone; it fractured when I fell of some monkey bars. All I can remember from that incident was that my arm really hurt and my friends were laughing -_- I still blame them for that cast. But hey, no PE for two months!
Your fave food? Chocolate. I eat as much as I can until my throat is clogged up and can take no more.
Zodiac sign? Aries.
You decide! Which cover will be crowned the winner?
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Deirdre Monaghan is a painfully shy but prodigiously gifted musician. She's about to find out she's also a cloverhand—one who can see faeries. Deirdre finds herself infatuated with a mysterious boy who enters her ordinary suburban life, seemingly out of thin air. Trouble is, the enigmatic and gorgeous Luke turns out to be a gallowglass—a soulless faerie assassin. An equally hunky—and equally dangerous—dark faerie soldier named Aodhan is also stalking Deirdre. Sworn enemies, Luke and Aodhan each have a deadly assignment from the Faerie Queen. Namely, kill Deirdre before her music captures the attention of the Fae and threatens the Queen's sovereignty. Caught in the crossfire with Deirdre is James, her wisecracking but loyal best friend. Deirdre had been wishing her life weren't so dull, but getting trapped in the middle of a centuries-old faerie war isn't exactly what she had in mind . . .
Review: I've never read any of Maggie Stiefvater's books until Shiver and when I did, I was eager to read more of her work. I eventually found this book intriguing, and if not, mysterious. It's almost completely different from Shiver so that was great, but the writing was still as magnificent. I especially love the musical aspect of it. (In case you didn't know, Deirde plays harp, Luke plays flute, and James plays the bagpipe) The female protagonist was relatable which gives it a plus. Am I looking forward to the sequel? Heck, yes.
Now, let's try something new ;)
My thoughts of:
The Beginning: I wasn't into this book in the first few chapters. I mean, where did this Luke come from and why did Deirde feel completely at ease with him? How could she move clovers? As you can tell, many questions formed in my mind. It wasn't until around the sixth chapter that I could not stop flipping pages.
The Middle: I loved it. Lots and lots of details were revealed, and they answered all my questions at the beginning. Clarification! As I knew more about Luke's past, I sympathized for him and liked him more as a character. James proved to be even a better friend than I thought even though I already thought he was caring. Of course, the best friend is secretly in love with the other friend. But...I actually liked it. (And knowing that the second book is narrated by him makes me even more excited; switching narrators will make this series really fresh and spectacular.)
I gasped as it was revealed that the Queen is making Luke kill someone very important. More clarification equals awesomeness.
The End: Like many books, I found myself sad that the flipping of pages was soon coming to a halt. I, myself, hate sad endings--even if the ending is just a BIT sad--but the bittersweet ending of Lament made me long for the release of the second book.
October 1st, please come faster! (:
Rating: 4/5
What I read this week:
-As You Wish by Jackson Pearce
-North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
-Lament by Maggie Stiefvater
What I'm reading now:
-The Giver by Lois Lowry
What's next in the week:
-The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
-The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor (part of AIW)
Current Contests:
Cool Canadians (Updated) - click here
Other Bookish Things:
As you can see, this week was slower than last week's. Only two books = failure xD
I also just found out Melissa De La Cruz is having a signing near me on November 1st so hooray! If you live in Southern Cali, it's in Pasadena. If you're going, let me know! :) It's only a 30 min drive so let's hope my dad agrees to drive me there. Right now, he has said yes, but things can change in two months...you never know...hehe.
Oh and I signed up for NaNoWriMo this week! :D This should be interesting...
Once the door shuts behind her, I pick up my cell phone and take a deep breath. I have to call Lloyd. I have to call my mom, my dad, and Jocelyn. I told Jordan he had to stop protecting me, and now I have to stop protecting myself. I decide to go for it, to jump into things, to make the hardest call first. I dial my dad's number at work. The sun is shining through the window, casting stripes of light on the floor. "Hey," I say when he answers. "It's me."
Update : As of now, the two books that I have just reviewed- As You Wish by Jackson Pearce and Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble- are choices! :)
Just leave another comment saying what book you want for an extra entry.
Oh and follow my twitter (@sunxxmoon) if you haven't already because when you retweet when I say so, you'll get 3 extra entries! Stay tuned for more updates!
(Copied & pasted from Kate) Throwdown Thursday is going to be (hopefully) a weekly thing where we tackle books with similar characters, covers, themes, etc. to determine which one rocks more. And it is up to YOU to determine the winner! To vote for your favorite, simply leave a comment with your choice. The winner will be announced next week with the new Throwdown contestants. [For Kate's TT go to her blog (: ]
This week's contestants! Who will win the smackdown? ;)
Time traveling & Classic novels names